Motivation camp

Where to find motivation for everyday life? 

Every day we experience here and now, we are faced with a big and varied choice – what to see, what to listen to and what to enjoy from the whole wide range of offers. The question is always only one: what is good, pleasing, and blessed from all this range to me?

Motivation camp had been a cherished dream for quite a time, till it came true at the end of November 2016. Luther Academy students (1st-4th year) have the opportunity to participate and enjoy all that this camp has to offer. For each of us, these are special days in various ways, even more – these are precious hours to be experienced one after another –listening to lectures by different lecturers, fellowship time, praying and praising together, just being there for each other. The joy of seeing and meeting again, cozy conversations over tea and coffee, sharing news about congregations we each belong to. The fellowship time reveals how different we are as human beings and in how many different and unusual ways we can serve God. Students are also given time to talk to the spiritual leaders, discuss and formulate their choice for studying in LA, share encouragements and concerns.

Mornings begin with a morning prayer (Laudes) or worship service, thus blessing the day and putting it in God's hands. Seconds swirl in minutes, minutes in hours; the day rushes, but we don't notice it... until it's time for a lunch prayer (Sext). We could count blessings one by one if, day after day, we kept our Lord Jesus Christ in the first placeand were with Him mornings, days, and nights. We lift our hearts in prayer, in gratitude to our Lord! And the evenings conclude with a night prayer (Completorium), which silences thoughts, words, and deeds, reminding us that, like the beginning of life, the end is in God's hands. So great is God! And before Him we calm down to rest in peace, confidence, and safety. The night covers us wth a starry sky - as the greatest and most beautiful confirmation of God's love for humankind.

During the Motivation camp, students experience the greatest of revelations, when the written word in an instant becomes very alive and self-affirming– it doesn't matter to God how right, wise, educated, young or old we are – He finds each one in his own time and place and calls us the way we are. That's why in Motivation camp, even more so in LA, we're so different and yet so similar – similar in our faith and confidence.

We usually conclude the Motivation camp with a Divine Service in honour of God, in which the participants of the camp - students, lecturers, academy leadership and pastors - participate in various ways. God is great and great is all He does – in mine, yours, and everyone's life – as long as we let it, believe, and worship Him!

This world tempts us and offers many different ways to shudder from the supposed happiness offered by shows, entertainment, gambling adrenaline. Where does the human soul have its place in all this? The greatest and best here and now is to seek the Lord in your thoughts, words, and deeds, and He will allow you to learn true joy and happiness in your heart. We experience this in the Motivation camp – we are many different members united in one true body – Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God for all we get and enjoy!!!
In love and gratitude,

Inga Stonka, LA 2018 Alumnus

‌Students on Motivation camp...‌

The students themselves mention several things about Motivation camp that have been the most valuable experience during the days at the camp; things that have especially remained in mind and heart from everything that they heard; and a number of wishes and suggestions have also been made as we are working on next camps.

Activities that were found as most valuable experience during the camp: 
  • individual conversation with the pastors;
  • get to know games;
  • fellowship (feeling of support);
  • games with the pastors;
  • breaking away from everyday life;
  • morning and evening common prayers and Divine Service;
  • topic of the camp and corresponding lectures.
 Insights (theological, human, spiritual, practical...) that have especially remained in the memory, mind, and heart:
  • practical parts of lectures (should go through in full);
  • realizing the gifts of the Holy Spirit in themselves and other students;
  • BULK of coffee;
  • excellent food.
2024. gada 22. oktobris
Vārda dienas: Īrisa, Irīda

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