Life at the Academy consists not only of studies but also of living out the faith of Jesus Christ in the community. We nurture our prayer and liturgical life in Holy Communion services every week, and in Vespers on other workday evenings. The Chaplain, Rev. Talis Freimanis, provides pastoral care and spiritual direction, with fellowship among the students playing a key role as well. Serving and receiving the service of others builds up our faith, teaches us to apply the love of Christ in our current and future congregations, and provides new strength for the works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Divine Service

Once a week, students come together for Holy Communion service. The Chaplain T.Freimanis leads the Service and presides over the celebration of the Eucharist, while students from more advanced years of study who are commissioned as evangelists in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia, preach. On some occasions, the service is lead by the rector of the Academy, Archbishop Jānis Vanags, the Vice-Rector, bishop Rinalds Grants, or Academy Alumni. We carry up to God in intercession His Church, its institutions, bishops, pastors, congregations, and church workers, entrusting to Him also the Academy, its students, and staff, as well as those in special need of God’s grace both within and outside the Academy. The liturgy of the service is rooted in Lutheran tradition, being in accordance with the order used in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia, as it is set for working days.


On workday evenings, when there is no Divine Service, the Academy gathers in Vespers (evening prayers). Vespers are led by those students who have reached the third semester of their studies. The person who is leading the Vesper is initiating and directing chants, reading Holy Scripture, saying a homily and praying. As an introduction to Vespers serves the liturgical chant of the Sunday Introit psalm corresponding to the week of the liturgical year. If the leader of the vesper does not chant the psalm and response, or sing the hymn himself, it can be delegated to the Cantor (the leader of liturgical chant). Similar to the Divine Service, the order of Vespers also conforms to the order as it is used in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia as is based upon the Church heritage of the Reformation and earlier ages.

Spiritual guidance

A very important role in the life of the Academy is spiritual guidance. Each student has the opportunity to receive encouragement, advice, and spiritual support through a meeting with chaplain, pastor Tālis Freimanis, in common prayer and seeking practical solutions to life's challenges together. Likewise, students themselves, in mutual fellowship, are encouraged to seek unity as the Body of Christ in informal evenings of prayer and praise, praying for each other and instructing each other in the obedience of faith and the love of Christ. This is where the nature of the Academy as a community of believers is seen best, that in addition of academic studies, care is taken that each student would be spiritually cared for and can study and answer God’s call towards their life with joy.

2024. gada 22. oktobris
Vārda dienas: Īrisa, Irīda

LEKCIJU PLĀNS 2023./2024.akad.gada Rudens semetrim šeit>


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